In an era dominated by technology, Salisbury School is charting a distinctive course towards fostering a balanced and connected community with its new limited cell phone and electronic device use policy. Recognizing the importance of face-to-face interactions and mindful engagement, the school aims to create an environment that encourages genuine connections among students. This blog post delves into the benefits for both students and the broader School community.
Embracing Connection: Salisbury's New Limited Cell Phone and Device Use Policy
Topics: Boarding School, All Boys School, Community
Then, Now, Always: A tradition of excellence in boys’ education
What makes a good education? Perhaps the best education is one that builds on a tradition of excellence while incorporating the necessary changes to remain forward thinking and looking. It’s one that considers the student holistically and provides pathways for their physical, mental and personal development. One that prioritizes values and steadfastness in an environment that encourages strong character and leadership.
Topics: Boarding School, Applying, All Boys School, Athletics, Curriculum, Culture, Community
Get the Inside Scoop: 4 Ways to Learn More About a Prep School's Culture and Community
As we enter the peak of the admissions visit season, you've seen campuses, toured with students, and chatted with admissions officers. With a list of schools to which you plan to apply taking shape, your family is discussing what differentiates each school and hopefully talking about "fit." On paper, prep schools can all look the same and data points like student-to-teacher ratio, percentage of day and boarding students, number of AP classes offered, college matriculation lists, etc. are all incredibly similar. The key differentiating factor among boarding schools lies in each school's culture. The feel of each school is what makes these institutions unique....and perhaps that feel is the most important factor as you and your child look to enroll at a school that will enable him/her to thrive, grow, and succeed in meeting his/her educational goals.
Topics: Boarding School, Culture, Prep School, Community